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When I began my adventure into architecture, the tools of the day were pens, pencils, erasers, razor blades (the original undo button), vellum drawing boards, and parallel squares. There was no magic in the background other than experience and mentoring. Our information sources were our mentors or the physical libraries located in our city offices. Faxes and chorded phones were the cutting edge of technology for communicating and transferring information quickly.

Not even the Brothers Grimm could have foretold such technical magic that was to come. Who could have fantasied about the brave digital age ahead and how it would reshape architectural production and coordination, forever?

Efficiencies in production were slow to adopt early releases of CAD software, in addition to being limited to computing power. However, as technology developed, it became apparent that there were real production advantages to be uncovered. The evolution of communication through technology has been a constant driver in the continued improvement in collaboration across disciplines and parties. In a short period of time, we have gone from fax-to email-to Revit and CAD computer software and cloud-based resources and apps like BIM-360. Working together is extremely quick and effective across the board. TK Architects uses BIM 360 for communication and site sharing capabilities as well as:

  • Provide a reliable, one source location for all project teams to secure online file management in Revit
  • Secure automatic back-up and historical retrieval of previous iterations of a developing Revit model
  • Security against internal hardware failures such as viruses, networks, and hard drive corruption; all that can lead to a great loss of product produced, product to be redone.and downtime.
  • Built-in document review, markup and instant sharing of these with our teams
  • The ability to allow regulated access to files for our clients, vendors, and contractors


As a benefit to our clients, TK strives to be at the cutting edge of technology, using advanced software like Autodesk Dynamo. Dynamo is used to automate repetitive, time-consuming, and often laborious tasks that often in the past could generate minor inconsistencies. This allows us to provide a higher quality, more efficient, and accurate product while allowing us to focus on the larger scale scope and coordination issues associated with just about any complex project.

There is a new kind of architect and engineer, one with equal doses of digital, hands-on team collaboration, and ingenuity.


What can you imagine? VR building of the model, as if hands-on? What will be the extent of 3D printing in construction? What wonders and opportunities for new structures, materials, efficiency will be available to us all. We see man vendors and companies from all fields implementing these tools in order to bring the client into the project and model as early as possible, allowing them to sample the space being created.

EPILOGUE (actually, it’s just the beginning)

I have been in the industry for over 30 years and love it with a passion every day. That passion is fanned by many of the new BIM developments in technology that are allowing us to increase efficiency and quality while freeing us up to spend time on things like design.


– Ian Wilson

Founded in 1981, TK Architects is a full-service architectural firm that offers all professional design services in-house to simplify and streamline coordination, including: Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Structural Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering. The firm’s focus is entertainment architecture and engineering, including cinema, bowling, bars/lounges, food service and entertainment centers worldwide. TK Architects provides the right services at the right time to meet client’s specific needs, including: New Buildings, Tenant Interiors, Renovations, Facility Upgrades and Maintenance.

For more information about TK Architects please visit www.tkarch.com or contact Jack C. Muffoletto, at jcmuffoletto@tkarch.com

Impact of Data on Cinema

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By Michael Cummings, Sr. Principal, TK Architects International

June 30, 2016

There were several sessions at the CineEurope convention in Barcelona this year that focused on the impact that data is having on Cinema.  Data is the reason that Amazon has a better idea of what you want for your birthday than your spouse.  Many of the discussions focused on exhibitor loyalty programs and what is possible to do with that information.cine europe aign (more…)

2016 World Trade Day Kansas City

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KCWTD 2016May 2016: TK Architects participated in 2016 Kansas City World Trade Day on Thursday, May 19 2016, at the Kansas City Power & Light Headquarters1200 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64105.

Our own Mike Cummings, Sr. Principal at TK Architects, along with Bret Holder, Garmin, Laura Schmidt, Notes to Self LLC, participated in the panel, led by  Nyamusi K. Igambi, KC -U.S. Commercial Service, which covered various topics and advice on doing business internationally.  Matthew Swindells, Cerner, a keynote speaker, talked about importance of international trade and the new Go Global KC Kansas City Metro Export Plan through Global Cities Initiative. TK Architects was also recognized as a 2015 recipient of Missouri Exporter of the Year Award, while Vektek, Inc. as a 2015 Kansas Exporter of the Year. (more…)

A New Generation of Movie Goers

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Studies have shown that Millenials, 24 years old and younger, look at their mobile devices dozens of times per hour.

JACK MUFFOLETTO, TK Principal, gave a presentation titled A New Generation of Movie Goers at KinoExpo tradeshow in St. Petersburg, Russia on Sep 25, 2014, where he touched base on how we use architectural design to get young people more interested and engaged in cinema facilities. (more…)