September 2018
An article by Sr. Principal, Mike Cummings, was featured in the October issue of FilmJournal magazine, titled “Destination Entertainment: Preserving the social experience in a streaming world”.
In the article, Mike Cummings discussed the view of the cinema-going as a socially infused entertainment experience. He talked about the benefits of movie-going in this modern world of media streaming as a fun and pleasant way to get away, socialize, and enjoy the surrounding atmosphere. See how well-thought-out design and latest technology tie into the successful process.
For more details, please follow the link to FilmJournal web version of the article or view the article in print in October issue of Film Journal:
By Mike Cummings, TK Architects International September 17, 2018
Many times, when I meet someone or talk with friends and am describing my work—primarily designing movie theatres—people will ask me: Aren’t movie theatres going away? I inevitably start with talking about people dining out even though they have a kitchen in their home, and the fact that collective storytelling is part of our human experience dating back to cavemen gathering around a fire. Usually, this stream of conversation stops, but there is a whole lot more to the story…