By David Taylor, TK Architects International.
February, 2016
Netflix has revolutionized the way we watch TV and Movies but it’s not merely through its online film streaming but through the way it has personalized its content to the viewer. Netflix uses data mining to grossly monitor and create detailed profiles on its 69 million customers [6]. Using these profiles, Netflix used this data to shape how it marketed shows. Netflix users who preferred certain actors were marketed the show with that actor as the main character. Users with history of watching certain genres were marketed a trailer emphasizing the show’s genre.
Many other online companies such as YouTube are emulating Netflix’s success pattern to get better media to customers. So what have movie theaters being doing to personalize its content or market films? Well, not much has changed… Although larger theater chains such as Regal or Cinemark are using new technology such as mobile apps to encourage purchasing tickets or find movies playing near you, the direct customized marketing is still absent from their business model. But, to be fair, there are already many independent online sites or apps which already share movie reviews with friends such as Rotten Tomatoes and Facebook to “get the word out.”
Currently, selecting a movie to watch in theaters can be difficult from a consumer’s perspective. (more…)